Bienvenue à la Bibliothèque Beït al-Hikma Index de recherche Titre Auteur Éditeur Date d'édition Cote Toutes les catégories 28570 titre(s) Islamic philosophy and western philosophies : the papers presented at the second world congress on Mulla Sadra (may, 2004, Iran) (vol. 2) By: "JAHANGIRI (Muhsin) ; SHIRAWANI (Ali) ; DEHBASHI (Mehdi) et al." Islamic methodology in history By: RAHMAN (Fazlur) Islamic masterpieces of the chester beatty library By: JAMES (David) Islamic liberation theology : resisting the empire By: DABASHI (Hamid) Islamic Jewelry in the metropolitan museum of art By: "JENKINS (Marilyn) ; KEENE (Manuel)" Islamic History and Culture (from 632 to 1968) By: IBRAHIM HASSAN (Hassan) Islamic history AD. 600-750 : a new interpretation By: SHABAN (M.A.) Islamic history : A.D. 600 – 750 (A.H. 132) a new interpretation By: SHABAN (M.H.) Islamic historiography By: ROBINSON (Chase F.) Islamic discourse between tradition and modernity = Le discours islamique entre tradition et modernité = الخطاب الإسلامي بين الأصالة والمعاصرة By: ALTWAIJRI (Abdulaziz Othman) Islamic coins: A selection of islamic coins used since the begining of islam up to the Ottoman period = المسكوكات الإسلامية : مجموعة مختارة من صدر الإسلام حتى العهد العثماني By: SHOMAN (Abdel Majeed) Islamic cities and conservation By: ANTONIOU (Jim) Islamic cities and conservation By: ANTONIOU (Jim) Islamic Carthage : the archaeological, historical and ceramic evidence By: VITELLI (Giovanna) Islamic arts museum Malaysia (v. 1) By: KHUAN (Fong Peng) Islamic art terms (lexicon: explained and illustrated) = مصطلحات الفن الإسلامي (معجم مشروح مصور) By: MOHAMMED ISSA (Ahmad) Islamic art : common principles, forms and thems (proceedings of the international symposium held in Istanbul in April 1983) = الفنون الإسلامية : المبادئ والأشكال والمضامين المشتركة (أعمال الندوة العالمية المنعقدة في إستانبول أبريل – نيسان 1983 By: "ISSA (Ahmed Mohammed) ; TAHAOGLU (Tahsin ÖMER) ; IHSANOGLU (Ekmeleddin)" Islamic architecture in North Africa By: "HILL (Derek) ; GOLVIN (Lucien)" Islam-west philosophical dialogue : the papers presented at the world congress on Mulla Sadra (may, 1999, Tehran) : كulla Sadra and transcendent philosophy (vol. 2) By: "YATHRIBI (Sayyed Yahya) ; YAZDANI (Abbas) ; KHADIMI (Aynullah) et al." Islam-west philosophical dialogue : the papers presented at the world congress on Mulla Sadra (may, 1999, Tehran) : كulla Sadra and transcendent philosophy (vol. 1) By: "YATHRIBI (Sayyed Yahya) ; YAZDANI (Abbas) ; KHADIMI (Aynullah) et al." « 1 … 1 162 1 163 1 164 1 165 1 166 … 1 429 »